- optimistclubofreddeer@gmail.com
- Red Deer
The Optimist Club of Red Deer was formed in 1960, with 28 charter members and local lawyer, T.H. Chapman, served as the first president. In the early 1960s, the Red Deer chapter organized a boxing club, a junior golf program, an oratorical competition, and a boys band.
The Optimist Club of Red Deer is proud to be a founding sponsor of the Red Deer Public School’s “Reading College”, and long germ primary sponsor of the Red Deer Optimist Chiefs midget “AAA” hockey club. More recently, we have focused on working with Red Deer schools to develop and fund after hours programs, summer programs, and post secondary scholarships for Red Deer youth.
Bring the Best out In Kids
Optimist International is an international service club organization with 3,000 clubs in 20 countries.
By providing hope and positive vision, optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities, and ourselves.
If you are interested in attending one of our meetings, we meet on the:
The Optimist Club of Red Deer was formed in 1960. The group had 28 charter members, and local lawyer, T.H. Chapman, served as the first president. The Optimist Club was initially founded in 1919 in Louisville, Kentucky, when a group of men became concerned with the deteriorating behavior of the boys in their city.